First Day: Welcome to Bali, Welcome to Camp... SOAR!

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I really excited when I received the email last month about Camp SOAR. Yup, I'm the lucky person because I can be one of participant in this program.

Haelah aku pegel ngomong Inggris :P


Jadi, Camp SOAR ini semacam training untuk guru Bahasa Inggris yang bekerjasama dengan US. Embassy, UI and some people from P4TK.

SOAR itu sendiri singkatan dari Student Oriented-Active-Reflective. Harapannya setelah mengikuti camp ini, semua alumninya bisa menerapkan pembelajaran dengan berpusat pada siswa, mereka aktif dan juga reflektif.

Camp ini akan dilaksanakan selama 10 hari di Plagoo Hotel Holiday, Nusa Dua Bali. Mulai tanggal 2 - 12 Januari 2019. Jadi, akan banyak sekali aktivitas yang dilalui.


So, I got my flight from Bengkulu on Wednesday 2nd January 2019 at 10 a.m. Then continue my flight from Soekarno Hatta Airport at 2.30 p.m and arrived in Denpasar, Bali at 5 p.m. After that someone from UI, picked me up. She is Ibu Arey. Next, I and another participant from Palembang, Pak Eko went to the hotel by a car that provided for the campers. We touched down the Hotel at 5.30 p.m. Did the registration, had dinner, and went to the room.


I got a room that consist of 4 people. So I met new friends here, they are Fia from Pekalongan, Pebri from Bali and Citra from Bandung. Yeay!

Well, I'm gonna tell you about the next day later.

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